Never had any crashing problems myself. Definitely a great app and resourceful. I always use it
Never had any crashing problems myself. Definitely a great app and resourceful. I always use it
App now opens and seems to function. It does what it is intended to do and does it quickly. Love the wait time feature, its a great heads up!
This helps me save or answer questions about traveling with Children
IT WORKS! Now granted, the time data from this app is user fueled, and not enough people have cared to download this app since it wasnt functioning before, but its a big step up. Only feature I wish it had: A favorites list. When I jumping around to and fro, Id love to be able to save my favorite airports and not fumble around with search every time I need data. This isnt too much to ask right? ;) But still, this is worth the download. High Five TSA!
Please include scheduled PreCheck lane hours for each terminal. Ideally, the app would indicate real time number of open PreCheck lanes by terminal. Informed travelers can help balance the load.
It would be nice to know the operating times of the different TSA locations, regular and PRE. For instance, Im here at Denver for a 5:30am flight. At 4:00am, no an officer in sight. And when does LA terminal 7 upstairs location operate?
The max they let you report wait times is 30+ minutes. I waited. 1 hour 36 minutes in San Juan PR and barely made it as they were closing the door! One lady wasnt going to let me on but thank goodness the other open re-opened her screen. It would have been helpful to know this airports security was so slow. I got the 1 1/2 hours before my flight and u didnt even check baggage and still almost didnt make it. I heard the baggage line was an additional hour. This info should be posted!!!!!!
In Orlando, Im hearing that wait times can be 3 hours. Having the max selection be 30+ does not help. Good idea; bad execution.
Great concept, but poor execution for wait time options when posting. The longest wait time youre allowed to post is 31+ minutes, which is incredibly misleading to others checking the app for wait times. I waited for over an hour at SJC yesterday, and posting 31+ minutes leaves it too open-ended for anyone else who may be checking the app as well. More options for realistic wait times would be a vast improvement to the app.
If more people updated this would actually be useful. It isnt.